In order to become a "Fashion Icon" you must develop what is called a fashion trademark. What is a trademark? You might ask. A trademark defines and distinguishes your style. You might pair a scarf, a brooch, a whimsical necklace, a fashionable hat, or etc. Whatever you pair with all your outfits will state your style and fashion sense. You should always be original when choosing your trademark. If you copy someone else's trademark, then you will not "Be Your Own Fashion Icon". A trademark defines you and you alone. Since there are so many people out there, more then one person is obviously going to choose a hat. Having a trademark is more then just choosing to wear a hat with every outfit. Having a trademark means choosing a certain hat that has a certain well trademark, such as a flower pin, a button, stripes, polka-dots, or etc. Remember a trademark has a trademark within its self.
Happy Trademarking,